BEP Product Applications
- Beehler PJH, Stovak M, and Kondraske GV. 2003 Short and long-term effects of neuropsychological human performance functioning of college basketball athletes with mild traumatic brain injury, AAHPERD National Convention, Philadelphia, April 4.
- Blumberger J, Rossignuolo C, Sullivan SJ. 1992. The objective assessment of motor speech parameters in traumatically brain injured patients. Ind Intl Congress on Objective Assessment in Rehabilitation Medicine, 100-106.
- Blumberger J, Rossignuolo C, Sullivan SJ. 1992. Is the objective assessment of motor speech parametres language independent?. Colloque de la Corporation professionnelle des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Quebec (CPOAQ) [Poster Session, Nov. 6].
- Blumberger J, Sullivan SJ. 1992. The descrition and use of a computer based system for the automatic analysis of speech motor control. Bulletin CPOAQ, vol. 4(2), 16-18.
- Blumberger J, Sullivan SJ, and Clement N. 1995. Diadochokinetic Rate in Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Injury, vol. 9, 797-804.
- Callaghan JT, Cerimele BJ, Kassahun K, Nyhart EH, Hoyes-Beehler PJ, Kondraske GV. 1997. Olanzapine: interaction study with imipramine. J. Clinical Pharmacology, October, 971-978.
- Gettman MT, Kondraske GV, Traxer O, Ogan K, Napper C, Jones DB, Pearle MS, and Cadeddu J. 2003. Assessment of basic human performance resources predicts operative performance of laparoscopic surgery. J. American College of Surgeons, 197(3):489-496.
- Grigsby J, Rosenberg NL, Busenbark D. 1995. Cronic pain is associated with defecits in information processing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 81, 403-410.
- Jafari M. 1989. Systematic characterization of human speech performancep;ability and disability determination. Innovation et Technolgie Biol Med , vol. 10(2), 229-32.*
- Jafari M, Kondraske GV. 1988. An acoustic investigation of the interactive dynamics of speech motor performance. Proceedings, 10th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conf, 1529-1530.*
- Johnson, DB, Kondraske, GV, Wilhelm DM, Jacomides, L, Ogan K, Pearle MS, and Cadeddu JA. 2004. Assessment of basic human performance resources predicts performance of virtual ureterorenoscopy. J. Urology, 171(1):80-84.
- Haavisto E and Kauranen K. 2002. Psychomotor performance after short-term anaesthesia. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 19(6), 436-441.
- Kauranen K, and Vanharanta H. 1996. Influences of aging, gender, and handedness on motor performance of upper and lower extremities. Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 82, 515-525.
- Kondraske GV and Stewart RM. 2002. Neuromotor channel capacity as an outcome and tracking measure in Parkinson's Disease. CD-ROM Proceedings of the 24th Int. Conf. IEEE Eng. in Med. Biol. Soc., Houston, October 23-26, 2471-2472.
- Kondraske GV, Johnston C, Pearson A, and Tarbox L. 1997. Performance prediction and limiting resource identification with nonlinear causal resource analysis. Proceedings, 19th Annual Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, pp. 1813-1816.
- Kondraske GV and Ward R. 2000. Case report: Measurement of selected human athletic performance capacities before and after nutraceutical supplementation. Proceedings of the Fisher Institute,vol. 2(1);9-12.
- Kondraske GV. and Ward R. 1999. Potential nutraceutical-induced changes in performance measured in an Indy Racing League driver. Proceedings of the Fisher Institute, vol. 1(2):10-18.
- Korpelainen R, Orava S, Karpakka J, Siira P, and Hulkko A. 2001. Risk factors for recurrent stress fractures in athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 29: 304-310.
- Pape ES, Richmond JR, and Kondraske GV. 1986. Age and gender effects on measures of sensori-motor function. Proceedings, 8th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conf, 1883-1885.*
- Pienimäki T.T., Kauranen K., and Vanharanta H.. 1997. Bilaterally decreased motor performance of arms in patients with chronic tennis elbow. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, vol. 78, 1092-1095.
- Potvin, A.R., Tourtellotte, W.W., Dailey, J.S., Albers, J.W., Walker, J.E., Pew, R.W., Henderson, W.G., and Snyder, D.N.. 1972. Simulated Activities of Daily Living Examination. Arch of Phys Med Rehab, vol. 53, 476-487.*
- Potvin AR, Syndulko K, Tourtellotte WW, Lemmon JA, and Potvin JH. 1980. Human neurologic function and the aging process. J. of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 28, 1-9.*
- Stewart RM, Levy F, Kondraske GV, Sink M, Potvin AR, Tourtellotte WW. 1983. Computer based quantitative assessment of sensory and motor functions in Huntington's disease. Neurology, vol. 33(suppl 2), 243.*
- Sullivan SJ, Blumberger J, Lachowicz C, and Raymond D. 1997. Does massage decrease laryngeal tension in a subject with complete tetraplegia?. Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 84, 169-170.
- Swaine BR, Sullivan SJ. 1992. Relation between clinical and instrumented measures of motor coordination in traumatically brain injured persons. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, vol. 73(1), 55-59.
- Swaine BR, Sullivan SJ. 1993. Reliability of the scores for the finger-to-nose test in adults with traumatic brain injury. Physical Therapy, vol. 73(2), 71-78.
- Syndulko K et al. 1989. Neuro-performance measurement and memory profiles of disability in HIV seropositive individuals, V Intl Conf on AIDS, Montreal, June 4-9, Abstract.*
- Wise MF, Kondraske GV. 1985. Quantitative functional assessment and characterization of head injured patients. RESNA 8th Annual Conference, Memphis, 168-170.*
Citations indicated with an asterisk (*) include instruments that served as prototypes to the current BEP products.
Performance Measurement Concepts:
The Elemental Resource Model (ERM) and General Systems Performance Theory (GSPT)
- Beehler PJH, and Syndulko K. 1995. Applications of human performance measurements to clinical trials to determine therapy effectiveness and safety. In: The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Bronzino, J.D., (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2278-2293.
- Beehler PJH, Vasta PJ, Kondraske GV, and Ward, B. 1993. Motor Performance Assessment Using a Resource Economic Strategy: Concepts and Demonstration With NFL Quarterbacks. Res Quart Exerc Sport, vol. 64 (supp), A-72.
- Chesky K, Kondraske GV, Henoch M, and Rubin B. 2002. Musicians' health. In R. Colwell and C. Richardson (Eds.) The New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning. pp. 1023-1039, New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
- Gettman MT, Kondraske GV, Traxer O, Ogan K, Napper C, Jones DB, Pearle MS, and Cadeddu J. 2003. Assessment of basic human performance resources predicts operative performance of laparoscopic surgery. J. American College of Surgeons, 197(3):489-496.
- Johnson, DB, Kondraske, GV, Wilhelm DM, Jacomides, L, Ogan K, Pearle MS, and Cadeddu JA. 2004. Assessment of basic human performance resources predicts performance of virtual ureterorenoscopy. J. Urology, 171(1):80-84.
- Kondraske GV. 1987. Looking at the study of human performance. SOMA, vol. , 50-53.
- Kondraske GV. 1987. Human performance: science or art?. Proceedings,13th Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Philadelphia, 44-47.
- Kondraske GV. 1988. Experimental evaluation of an elemental resource model for human performance. Proceedings, 10th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conf, New Orleans, 1612-1613.
- Kondraske GV. 1988. Human performance measurement and task analysis. In: Technology for Independent Living Sourcebook, 2nd Ed., Enders, A, (ed.), RESNA, Washington.
- Kondraske GV. 1988. Workplace design: An elemental resource approach to task analysis and human performance measurements. Proceedings of the Intl Conf of the Assoc of Advanced Rehabilitation Tech., 608-611.
- Kondraske GV. 1989. Issues in quantification. In: Quantifying Neurologic Performance. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: State of the Art Reviews, Davis R, (ed.), Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, 1-8.
- Kondraske GV. 1989. Neuromuscular performance: Resource economics and product-based composite indices. Proceedings, 11th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conf, Seattle, 1045-1046.
- Kondraske GV. 1990. Quantitative measurement and assessment of performance. In: Rehabilitation Engineering, Smith RV and Leslie JH, (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 101-125.
- Kondraske GV. 1995. An elemental resource model for the human-task interface. Intl J Technology Assessment in Health Care, vol. 11 (2), 153-173.
- Kondraske GV. 1995. A working model for human system-task interfaces. In: The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Bronzino J.D., (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2157-2174.
- Kondraske GV. 1995. Measurement tools and processes in rehabilitation engineering. In: Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Bronzino J.D., (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2118-2134.
- Kondraske GV, and Beehler PJH. 1994. Applying General Systems Performance Theory and the Elemental Resource Model to gender-related issues in physical education and sport. WSPAJ, vol. 3 (2), 1-19.
- Kondraske GV and Chesky KS. 1995. Measurement technology for the Elemental Resource Model: Talent assessment and prediction. Proceedings, Institute for Music Research, San Antonio.
- Kondraske GV and Chwialkowski M. 1989. Quantitative measurements: Perspectives on the present and future. In: Quantifying Neurologic Performance. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: State of the Art Reviews, Davis R, (ed.), Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, 215-224.
- Kondraske GV, Jafari M, and Carollo JJ. 1988. Human performance measurement--some perspectives. IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag, vol. 7, 11-16.
- Kondraske GV, Johnston C, Pearson A, and Tarbox L. 1997. Performance prediction and limiting resource identification with Nonlinear Causal Resource Analysis. Proceedings, 19th AnnualIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conf, Chicago.
- Kondraske GV and Vasta PJ. 1995. Measurement of information-processing performance capacities. In: Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Bronzino JD, (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2219-2232.
- Vasta PJ and Kondraske GV. 1994. Performance prediction of an upper extremity reciprocal task using Non-linear Causal Resource Analysis. Proceedings, 16th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conf, Baltimore.
- Vasta PJ and Kondraske GV. 1997. An approach to estimating performance capacity envelopes: Knee extensor system example. Proceedings,19th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conf, Chicago.
Early Development History
- Behbehani K, Kondraske, GV, Richmond JR. 1988. Investigation of upper extremity visuomotor control performance measures. Proceedings, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 35(7), 518-525.
- Cannito MP, Kondraske GV. 1990. Rapid manual abilities in spasmodic dysphonic and normal female subjects. J Speech Hearing Res, vol. 33, 123-33.
- Ganapathy G, Kondraske GV. 1990. Microprocesor-based instrumentation for ambulatory behavior monitoring. J Clin Engin, vol. 15(6), 459-66.
- Kondraske GV. 1986. Toward a standard clinical measure of postural stability. Proceedings, 8th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conf, Ft. Worth, 1579-82.
- Kondraske GV. 1986. A noncontacting human tremor sensor and measurement system. IEEE Trans Instrumentation Measurement, vol. IM-35(2), 201-206.
- Kondraske GV. 1990. A PC-based performance measurement laboratory system. J Clin Engineering, vol. 15(6), 467-78.
- Kondraske GV. 1990. Quantitative measurement and assessment of performance. In: Rehabilitation Engineering, Leslie JH Jr, Smith RV, (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 234-50.
- Kondraske GV. 1992. Human performance measurement System: Validation of components. Technical Report 92-001R, Human Performance Institute, Univ of Texas at Arlington.
- Kondraske GV, Beehler PJH, Behbehani K, Chwialkowski M, Imrhan S, Mooney V, Pape E, Richmond JR, Smith SS, and von Maltzahn W. 1988. Measuring human performance: Concepts, methods, and application. SOMA, vol. 3, 6-13.
- Kondraske GV, Potvin AR, Tourtellotte WW, and Syndulko K. 1984. A computer based system for automated quantitation of neurologic function. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 31(5), 401-414.
- Kondraske GV, Smith SS, Mooney V, Richmond R, von Maltzahn W, Chwialkowski M . 1989. Computerized measurement of human function performance. In: Quantifying Neurologic Performance. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: State of the Art Reviews, Davis R, (ed.), Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, 9-30.
- Smith SS, Kondraske GV. 1987. Computerized system for quantitative measurement of sensorimotor aspects of human performance. Physical Therapy, vol. 67(12), 56-62.